Date(s) - 30/06/2021
17 h 00
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The ALRiM Board is pleased to invite you to the ECL-ALRiM conference : «Regulatory reporting: understanding its added value» (with Paperjam + Delano)
The 2007 financial crisis and subsequent market upheavals revealed significant data gaps both within supervised entities and from the point of view of regulators exerting micro- and macro-prudential oversight.
The post-crisis overhaul of the regulatory framework, which involved adopting more than 40 pieces of EU financial services legislation, generated a significant number of new, and mostly more granular, supervisory reporting requirements. Most entities in scope of the EU regulatory reporting acknowledge it is needed to allow efficient supervision. Nonetheless, it is often argued that the requirements are unnecessarily complex and inconsistent and hence onerous.
Regulatory data can be a key source of information not only for regulators, but also for the reporting entities.
We will therefore try to argue and illustrate the added value of regulatory data and its usefulness for a sustainable and robust management of financial companies, in the best interest of the investors protection.
Speakers :
– Luc Neuberg, President (ALRiM)
– Michael Derwael, Treasurer (ALRiM)
– François Masquelier, President (ATEL)
– Marco Zwick, Director (CSSF)
– Andrea Gentilini, Head Of Division – Market Infrastructures (CSSF)